We started making candles for ourselves as a hobby at the start of the pandemic in 2020 and fell in LOVE.

We also LOVE our National Forests. We are committed to helping replant and regrow our forests. Our soy wax is a product of U.S. grown soy beans. Soybean fields are a cause of deforestation. We want to try to help alleviate this burden and create a smaller carbon footprint in our world. For every 10.5 OZ candle purchased, we will have 1 tree planted in our beautiful forests.

Why Five Trees? When our lives blended in 2015, our five dogs became family. We will eventually have remembrance trees to visually remind us to love, grow and be kind for all of our doggos. They will always be barking at us to build a better world, one tree at time.

Photo Location: Tahquamenon Falls State Park, Michigan